Here’s some feedback we’ve had about CoderDojo :-

Lucy. parent of 2 of our young people.
This club has been an amazing addition to both my children’s lives. It is inclusive, educational and a lot of fun. My daughter Ava (7) loves that she can create whatever she wants, and as a parent I love that she is encouraged to learn for herself not simply by memorisation; and of course the endlessly patient mentors are always at hand if she gets stuck! My son is autistic (age 10) and this is his favourite club. He feels listened to and can create projects in his own time with no added pressure. When he’s struggling with the day to day pressures of school, Coderdojo is what we talk about to help him feel calm and regain his confidence.
Every city should have a Coderdojo. Not just because Coding is becoming increasingly important in every part of our lives, but because it teaches independence, patience and friendship and so much more.